
Handover of infrastructure and equipment for human- wildlife conflict mitigation in the Zambezi Region

Handover of infrastructure and equipment for human- wildlife conflict mitigation in the Zambezi Region ​​​​​​​

Handover, © CCFN

11.10.2024 - Press release

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT), in collaboration with the Community Conservation Fund of Namibia (CCFN) and the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Area (KAZA), is pleased to announce the handover of infrastructure, equipment, and assets valued at approximately NAD 16.8 million (EUR 840,000.00), financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through KfW Development Bank, to mitigate human-wildlife conflict and improve livelihoods in the Zambezi Region.

Community members living in the Zambezi Region are among some of the most affected by human-wildlife conflict incidences involving a wide range of species such as lions, elephants, hippos, and crocodiles. These incidences include loss of livestock, crops, infrastructure and in some cases the regrettable loss of human life.

The MEFT has continued working together with local organizations, communities, international stakeholders, and other partners to find long-term solutions to the challenges of human-wildlife conflict and for livelihood improvement of local communities.

Handover of infrastructure and equipment for human- wildlife conflict mitigation in the Zambezi Region 
Equipment© CCFN

The Federal Republic of Germany is a longstanding partner of the Government of the Republic of Namibia and provides funding and technical support through development projects such as the “Poverty-Oriented Support to Community Conservation in Namibia” (POSCCIN) and the “Community and Livelihood Development and Human-Wildlife Conflict Management” (CLD-HWCM). Both projects financed various measures, including infrastructure and equipment, which was handed over to beneficiaries on the 09th of October 2024 in the Zambezi Region. The measures include:

  • Predator-proof kraals to protect livestock from predators in the Mudumu Landscape.
  • Water infrastructure to reduce contact between people, livestock and the threat from crocodiles and hippos.
  • Wildlife monitoring and patrol equipment for Game Guards.
  • Early warning systems and safety gear to reduce dangerous interactions between people and wildlife.
  • Response vehicle and equipment for the Chobe Lion Programme.
  • Bee keeping equipment and water infrastructure for livelihood improvement of community forests.

Additionally, as part of the CLD-HWCM Project, uniforms and fire protection equipment for Fish and Forest Guards, along with camping equipment was handed over to enhance community efforts in veld fire prevention and fisheries management.

The event was officiated by Honourable Pohamba Shifeta, Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism (MEFT), Honourable Lawrence Sampofu Governor of the Zambezi Region, Honourable Regional Councillors, representatives from KfW Development Bank, the CCFN, the KAZA Secretariat as well as other partners in conservation including representatives from communal conservancies, community forests, respective traditional authorities, line ministries and regional CBNRM support organisations.

German Development Cooperation 1990 – 2024

From 1990 until present, the funding provided to Namibia as part of German Development Cooperation (grants and loans) amounts to approx. EUR 1.6 billion (approx. NAD 32.3 billion). The KfW portfolio under current implementation comprises over 40 projects with a total funding volume of EUR 788.6 million (approx. NAD 15.4 billion), while future projects with a total funding volume of approx. EUR 123 million (approx. NAD 2.4 billion) are under preparation.

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