Supporting communities in the Kunene Landscape with grants, infrastructure and equipment for human-wildlife conflict mitigation and management

Grant Handover - Ongongo Conservancy, © KfW
The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) together with its partners and other stakeholders hosted a handover ceremony of project grants, infrastructure, and equipment, financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through KfW Development Bank, to the value of 31 million Namibian Dollars for the Poverty-Oriented Support to Community Conservation in Namibia“ (POSCCIN) Project as implemented by the Community Conservation Fund of Namibia (CCFN). ![]() Community members living in the Kunene Region are among some of the most affected by human-wildlife conflict incidences involving a wide range of species such as lions, elephants, hyenas, and leopards. These incidences include loss of livestock, crops, infrastructure and in some cases the regrettable loss of human life. Through various initiatives, the MEFT has continued working together with local organizations, communities, international stakeholders, and other partners to find long-term solutions to the challenges of human-wildlife conflict. The POSCCIN Project noted above is one of such ongoing efforts implemented by the Namibian Government in partnership with the CCFN and in collaboration with the affected communities. The Federal Republic of Germany is a longstanding partner of the Government of the Republic of Namibia in general and MEFT in particular among other ministries and provides funding and technical support. On the 27th of October 2023, selected beneficiaries have been presented with grants, infrastructure, and equipment worth 31 million Namibian Dollars towards the mitigation and management of human-wildlife conflict as we seek to enhance community livelihood development in selected human-wildlife conflict hotspot areas in the Kunene Landscape. The funding under the grants will support measures such as: · The construction of predator-proof kraals to protect livestock from predators; · water infrastructure to reduce contact between people, livestock and wildlife in order to reduce competition for this vital resource; · continued implementation of a Lion Ranger Programme; · collaring of predators and the establishment of various early warning systems · other measures as requested by the communities. The ceremony was officiated by Honourable Pohamba Shifeta, Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism, Honourable Marius Sheya Governor of the Kunene Region, Honourable Hendrick Gaobaeb Chairperson of the Kunene Regional Council, His Excellency Dr. Thorsten Hutter, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Namibia, representatives from KfW Development Bank, the CCFN and other partners in conservation including representatives from communal conservancies. ![]() From 1990 until present, the funding provided under German Development Cooperation to Namibia amounts to approximately 1.6 billion Euro (32.3 billion Namibian Dollars). The KfW portfolio under current implementation comprises 36 projects with a total value of 646.2 million Euro (12.9 billion Namibian Dollars), while an additional 22 projects with a total value of approximately 329.4 million Euro (6.6 billion Namibian Dollars) are under preparation. |