Studying in Germany and scholarships

Studium, © Colourbox
Are you interested in studying in Germany? Here you will find the most important information to get you started.
Am I eligible to study in Germany?
In order to study in Germany, you need to have a minimum of five subjects, at least four of those on the Namibian Senior Secondary Advanced Subsidiary (NSSCAS) level, including English. One subject can be on the Namibian Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary Level (NSSCO). For all subjects you need a mark of C or higher.
In addition, there will be an aptitude test and/or a foundation course at a so-called “Studienkolleg” (www.studienkolleg.com) before you can begin your studies. Direct admission is possible if you have already successfully completed one year of studies at any university.
Admission criteria for other school leaving certificates might differ from those requirements; more information can be found in the German database “anabin” (www.anabin.de).
Do I need a visa?
Yes, more information about the visa procedure as well as the visa appointment system can be found on the website of the German Embassy: www.windhuk.diplo.de/nationalvisa
What are the costs?
German public universities charge very low tuition fees and often none at all. The prices for food, accommodation, clothing, cultural events etc. in Germany are generally in line with the EU average. You will need around 850 euros a month to cover your living expenses. The largest expense is your monthly rent. In many university towns subsidises student accommodation is available.
Are there scholarships available?
For postgraduate, PhD or postdoctoral studies, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers different scholarship programmes for studies and/or research stays in Germany and Africa.
The prospective applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree and in some cases they should have 3 years of professional experience (e.g. EPOS Programme).
At the time of the application for postgraduate and PhD studies, applicants must have obtained their last degree within the past six years. Postdoctoral applicants should have received their doctoral degree within the last four years prior to application.
In addition, political foundations such as the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and other political foundations award scholarships to young scientists and postgraduate students. More information about the application process can be found on their respective websites.
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers scholarships for young postdoctoral researchers as well as established academics. Their research fellowships and research awards allow academics to come to Germany to work on research projects together with a host and collaborative partner. More information can be found on their website: www.humboldt-foundation.de
The German Embassy does not grant any scholarships or similar assistance.
Please apply directly online for your chosen scholarship or consult the DAAD representative at the University of Namibia (UNAM).
DAAD lecturer: daad.namibia@gmail.com
German Embassy: info@windhoek.diplo.de
Where can I find further information?
Please obtain more detailed information by visiting the following websites:
- general information on studying in Germany: www.study-in.de/en/
- Information about DAAD: www.daad.de
- Search engine for international programmes (i.e. taught in English): www.daad.de/deutschland/studienangebote/international-programmes/en/
- (DAAD) Scholarship database: www.funding-guide.de