Cultural Preservation

The Witbooi Bible, © Dr. Jeremy Silvester (MAN)
Since 1981 Germany has been supporting the preservation of cultural heritage across the globe as part of the Federal Foreign Office’s Cultural Preservation Programme. Some 40.7 million Euro were made available between 1981 and 2007 to fund a total of more than 2,100 projects in 135 countries.
Namibia is one of the major recipients of funds from the Cultural Preservation Programme. Since 1985 approx. 964,500.00 Euro were made available for projects which preserve the rich cultural heritage of this country. Important projects were, among others, support for the museums in Rehoboth, Swakopmund, Tsumeb and Grootfontein, the restoration of the building housing the Namibia Scientific Society in Windhoek, a Nama Dictionary Project, publication of Kavango literature and the recording of Oshivambo music. One of the major projects for which funds were allocated several times is the preservation of the famous Brandberg rock paintings.
Please submit this application form as well as a detailed financial plan.
The guidelines for project applications can be found here.