Krisenvorsorgeliste (ELEFAND)
All Germans living abroad can be entered into the list of German citizenship of the competent German mission abroad.

Entry into the list of Germans is voluntary. The Federal Foreign Office however however, to make use of this option: during a crises and other exceptional situations, the local embassy can, if necessary, quickly get in touch with all Germans on this list.In addition, the diplomatic mission can use the e-mail address provided in the list, e.g. to refer to forthcoming elections to the Bundestag or to submit other consular information.
Password-protected online procedure
The electronic list (ELEFAND: Electronic Registration of Germans Abroad) replaces the previously manually maintained lists of German diplomatic missions. We therefore ask you to register electronically via the Internet, even if you may have already been entered in the manual list of the German diplomatic mission abroad.
In future, you will automatically be asked to confirm or update your information at regular intervals. This is to ensure completeness and currentness of registrations. Please respond to the calls automatically sent to you in your own interest.
Here is the link to the crisis prevention list (ELEFAND):