Certification of Signature

Unterschriftsbeglaubigung (Symbolbild), © dpa Themendienst
With the signature authentication, the notary or consular officer confirms that the named person has signed the document in front of him.
Are you supposed to sign a document in front of a consular officer at a German diplomatic mission abroad? German law basically knows two different forms for the creation of public documents: The form of signature certification and the form of notarial certification. A document is signed for both forms. Legislators and case law determine which form is required in which case.
The signature authentication is the “simpler” form. With the signature authentication, the notary or consular officer confirms that the named person has signed the document in front of him. The signature must be made personally in front of the responsible consular officer or recognized by him. There is no instruction about the legal meaning of the document to be signed. In many cases, authentication of the signature is sufficient for a document to become legally effective.
Some examples are:
- Declaration of approval (declaration with which a representative subsequently approves a contract that has already been signed in Germany)
- “simple” powers of attorney (revocable general powers of attorney or powers of attorney for individual legal transactions)
- Entries in the commercial register
- Declaration to disclaim an inheritance
Certifications in regard to identity checks under the Money Laundering Act cannot be done by the Embassy Windhoek.
What documents do I have to submit?
Please note: A signature certification is only possible by prior appointment! You can make an appointment online: How to book an appointment with the Consular Section - Auswärtiges Amt
You must provide the following:
- the document to be signed
- in the case of declarations of approval if possible: a copy or a copy of the contract already concluded
- a valid passport (if you are also a German citizen, you must present a German passport or identity card)
- if you are not in your own name, but in the name of e.g. B. of a company, a ward, etc., plus proof (in the original or certified copy) that you are authorized to represent the company/person
The certification of a signature is subject to a fee: Fees - Federal Foreign Office