Micro-project fund of the German Embassy Windhoek

Germany supports Namibia in various ways., © photothek.de
Direct impact on the living conditions of disadvantaged groups of society with small grants directly managed by the Embassy.
The micro-project fund is a small-scale programme available for projects which aim at improving the living conditions of the poorest and most disadvantaged population groups and at promoting gender equality.
The fund is managed directly by the German Embassy Windhoek. The ultimate goal is “helping People to help themselves”: organizations are assisted in directly involving the affected communities to improve their livelihood in a sustainable way.
Who can apply?
The applicant must be a registered civic organization, such as e.g.
- Non-governmental organization
- Community-based organization
- Foundations
- Trusts
- Non-profit Company under Section 21
It must
- be non-profit
- operate in the public interest or in the interest of its members/sponsors
- be governed according to a written constitution
- have a managing committee, that is in charge of keeping the books, accounts and registers and must ensure that any income and property of the organization shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the mission of the organization as set forth in its constitution
What kind of projects are eligible?
- the project for which funding is applied for must be implemented and completed in within a calendar year - deadline 31 December - (this includes also the finalization thereof with proof of employment of funds and final report together with a list of all expenses and respective invoices; unused funds or expenses without a receipt must be refunded to the German Embassy)
- the applicant must contribute to the project either in monetary means, in labour/or services or in providing the premise
- the total funding of the project must be ensured and the follow-up costs must be borne by the applicant
- the scope of the project proposal must correspond with the organization’s statutory tasks/duties
- sustainability of at least 2 years must be guaranteed
What are the application documents?
The application form must be completed and must include the following:
- Application form micro-project fund DOC / 160 KB
- signed by two signatories of the organization (please mention name and position in within the organization)
- information on the applicant, such as complete address, telephone and email details, information on the legal status of the organization incl. copy of registration
- estimated project duration (latest ending date is 31 December of the year)
Financial plan consisting of the following:
- a detailed list of income and expenses according to the most cost-effective quotations
- costs breakdown in the following categories: personnel expenses (project-related personnel expenses), material expenses (e.g. admin costs, such as telephone, internet, working material, rent for venue), capital expenditure (such as assets, commodities)
- own contribution
- third party contribution (if applicable)
- amount requested from the German Embassy
Three quotations of three different suppliers for any planned purchases or services
- if building activities are planned, the proof of ownership of land as well as planning permission has to be submitted
- if structural changes at a rented place are planned, then the permission of the landlord must be submitted
Declaration that following-up costs can be covered by applicant
Annual report and statutes of the organization
Who should not apply?
Individuals, businesses and entrepreneurs as well as governmental institutions are not eligible under this programme.
Which projects cannot be funded?
- projects of which the overall costs are not secured
- projects that have already commenced (i.e. no reimbursement of costs incurred before beginning of the project)
Funds may not be used for:
- ongoing and recurring costs such as salaries, rents, water & electricity bills, taxes
- consumer goods such as food and medicine
- daily allowance, accommodation and travel costs
- land acquisition, ongoing rental and/or bond payments, vehicle purchase, drilling of boreholes