Science and Research

ARCHIVE - On 29.02.2016, echnicians install the circular antenna on the Galileo satelite in the clean room of the space company OHB System in Bremen (on dpa “New satellites for Europe Navi Galileo in space - clock problem under control” on 13.12.2017) Photo: Ingo Wagner / dpa +++ (c) dpa - Visual radio +++, © dpa
Academic Exchange
The relations regarding the academic Exchange between Germany and the world are an important topic. They form one of the focal points within the Department of Culture and Communication where a variety of promotional instruments and a high level of funding are used to position Germany well withing the international competition for the best minds. This “foreign science policy” is carried out in accordance with the Federal Government's strategy for the internationalization of science and research in Germany and in coordination with other federal ministries.
Scholarships and university partnerships
The support of foreign students and scientists for a stay in Germany forms the core of our foreign cultural and educational policy in the field of science and universities. In addition, university partnerships are being promoted worldwide.
Increased attention is given to the care of foreign students and scientists at German universities - we want to create a welcoming culture. And even after their return to their home countries, the contact with the alumni is sustainably secured.
Partner Organizations
Federal Foreign Office, however, does not carry out these measures itself, but has delegated this task to Independent partner organizations, to which it provides funds from the federal budget for the implementation of the respective programs. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, for example, awards scholarships, travel allowances and the like with their own programs. They work closely with German diplomatic representations. Further information about the DAAD in Namibia can be found at the end of the page.
Promoting the Germany location
The promotion of international cooperation is an essential element of any future strategy for a high-tech country like Germany. This also includes intensive marketing for the study and research location Germany, which is to be made even more internationally known at educational fairs, through special counseling services and with diverse publications
Additional content
The DAAD has become one of the most important funding organisations in the world for the international exchange of students and researchers. Every year, study or research exchanges are arranged and funded.